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Christ the sum-total of all things

Preeminence of Christ 

“Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times”. Isa 33:6 

In times of volatile uncertainty, we need real divine wisdom and knowledge to guide us towards stability. 

We would think that in the current information revolution there would be coherent consensus on the facts. But with the increase of more information, comes the danger of too many opinions and misinformation. Particularly in the current pandemic, there still is no coherent prevention, or consistent treatment of the virus. No one can with certainty predict the post-Covid economic future. The best estimates are to compare current world-happenings according to post-war, and post-pandemic outbreaks and consequent trends.  

More specifically, we as believers must ask: “How did the Church respond to the 1st and 2nd World War, and the Great disease Pandemics?” 

During these great dark events, millions died, good and bad, rich and poor, young and old. No one got excluded. No one got passed by, by good behavior. Terrible things happened to good people, and nothing one could do, could protect you from catastrophe. 

What is the ultimate anchor of stability to the church?

The Preeminence of Jesus Christ our Lord 

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.” Col 1:15-18 [1]

Paul answers three questions about the person of Christ: 

Who is Jesus in relation to God – Jesus is the image of the invisible God (15a)?

“Jesus is the image of the invisible God.” (Colossians 1:15) The Bible tells us that God is spirit which means that he is invisible. 1 Timothy 6:16 says that God “lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see.” (1 Timothy 6:16) Have you ever seen God? No, you haven’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be here! You would be dead. But Jesus is the image of the invisible God. And when Jesus came, the invisible God became visible. Jesus is GOD!! 

Omnipresence: “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”” (Matt. 18:20).

Eternal: “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:20).

Almighty: “All power in heaven and earth has been given to Me.” (Matt. 28:18).

Omniscient: “No one knows who the Son is but the Father, and who the Father is but the Son and everyone to whom the Son wants to make him known.” (Luke 10:22).

Who is Jesus in relation to creation? – Jesus is the firstborn over all creation (15b-17)

The firstborn was used as a title for the Messiah who would rule over and inherit God’s kingdom. “I will appoint him my firstborn, the most exalted of the kings of the earth.” (Psalm 89:27) And so the phrase the “firstborn over creation” does not mean that Christ was the first created being. Rather it means Christ’s superiority over all creation, that he is the ruler and heir over all creation. Revelation 3:14 brings out this proper sense of the word firstborn when it call Jesus “the ruler of God’s creation.” (Revelation 3:14) As the firstborn over all creation Jesus is both ruler and heir. When firstborn is followed by a plural as in Colossians 1:18 or Romans 8:29, the firstborn is part of the class that follows. When it is followed by a singular, it means rank or superiority over that class. There is a different word that Paul could have used for “first-created” (protoktistos), but he didn’t use that word. He used “firstborn” (prototokos) instead.] 

Paul tells us four things that are true of Jesus as the firstborn over creation: 1) Jesus created all things, 2) Jesus inherits all things, 3) Jesus existed before all things, 4) Jesus sustains all things. 

Jesus not only holds authority over living creation, but also the spiritual world. “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.” (Matt. 12:28)

He also gave His disciples power to cast out unclean spirits (Matt. 10:1). “Behold, I have given you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and to overcome the enemy with all his might, without any harm to you.” (Luke 10:19). It is also clear that the evil spirits fear a coming judgment of Jesus (Mark 5: 7). However, with His crucifixion, Jesus took away the keys of the realm of the dead. Keys indicate authority. He disarmed satan, and took back the jurisdiction he had taken from man as the perfect man. In Christ, the full rule and power that God intended man to exercise has been restored. “He disarmed every power and authority and displayed them in public by taking them captive in the triumph of Christ.” (Col. 2:15). “But thanks be to God! He always leads us in His triumphal procession because we are one with Christ. Through us He spreads the knowledge of Christ everywhere like a pleasant fragrance.” (2 Cor. 2:14). 

Who is Jesus in relation to the church? – Jesus is the head of the body, the church (18) 

The church is the body of Christ, and Jesus is the head of the body. That means that there is a living relationship between Christ and the church even as there is a living relationship between the head of any body. As the body of Christ we are united with Christ who is our head. 

   A. He is the beginning of the church

      – Matthew 16:16-18

First of all, He is the beginning (Arche – first cause) of the church. The word “head” refers to both source and authority. As the beginning of the church Jesus is both the founder and ruler of the church.

Jesus affirmed this to Peter in the gospel of Matthew. We read in Matthew 16: Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:16-18) Jesus founded the church on the solid rock of Peter’s confession of Him as the Christ, the Son of the living God. As the head of the body, Jesus is the beginning of the church.

   B. He is the firstborn from among the dead

      – 1 Corinthians 15:20-23

“He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” (Colossians 1:18) Christ’s resurrection is the basis of our life and faith. There is no church or faith without Christ’s resurrection. That is the gospel. That is the good news we proclaim. Jesus is alive! 



What is the physical PROOF of His preeminence? 

Whether we like it or not, society is structured in sets of hierarchies of competence. 

The wealthiest 10% of the population own at least 90–95% of all wealth.  The richest eighty-five people have as much as the bottom three and a half billion. The majority of scientific papers are published by a very small group of scientists. A tiny proportion of musicians produces almost all the recorded commercial music. Just a handful of authors sell all the books. Similarly, just four classical composers (Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky) wrote almost all the music played by modern orchestras. This principle is sometimes known as Price’s law, after Derek J. de Solla Price, the researcher who discovered its application in science in 1963. It can be modelled using an approximately L-shaped graph, with number of people on the vertical axis, and productivity or resources on the horizontal. The basic principle had been discovered much earlier. Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923), an Italian polymath, particularly in the study of income distribution and in the analysis of individuals’ choices noticed its applicability to wealth distribution.

The Matthew-effect of accumulated advantage, Matthew principle, or Matthew effect for short, is sometimes summarized by the adage “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer”. The concept is applicable to matters of fame or status, but may also be applied literally to cumulative advantage of economic capital. [2]

The Matthew effect of accumulated advantage, Matthew principle, or Matthew effect for short, is sometimes summarized by the adage “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer”

“For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”— Matthew 25:29,RSV.

“I tell you, that to every one who has will more be given; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”— Luke 19:26,RSV.

The concept concludes two of the three synoptic versions of the parable of the lamp under a bushel (absent in the version of Matthew):

“For to him who has will more be given; and from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” — Mark 4:25,RSV.

“Take heed then how you hear; for to him who has will more be given, and from him who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.” — Luke 8:18, RSV.

The concept is presented again in Matthew outside of a parable during Christ‘s explanation to his disciples of the purpose of parables:

“And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to him who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” — Matthew 13:11–12,RSV.[3]

How then do we as the church position ourselves knowing that Christ, through the church has this eternal over-all pre-eminence?  

Jesus did, ultimately, rise to the top of the order of things retrospectively. Jesus was raised as a peasant artisan Jew from a small, stigmatized farming village Nazareth, Judea a small state of a Mediterranean world ‘dominated’ by a pagan ego-centrical totalitarian imperial regime, and a state cult of worship directed towards the Caesars.  

How can it be, that in only three years, this man left such a mark on society that scarcely three hundred years later, He had transformed the entire Roman world and beyond. The pagan religions vanished, the cult of the divine emperor was abolished and Jesus – the condemned criminal, the seditious Jew – was elevated as the sole “god” of the Empire, the only Man worthy of worship. A few hundred years after that, the church founded in His name came to dominate Europe, in the vacuum left behind by the imperial collapse at the hands of the Germanic tribes and would determine the course of European history right up till the Enlightenment of the 18th century. 

So, yes, there is a fundamental paradox here: the man who condemned the dominion of one man over another and stressed the equality of people, came to dominate entire cultures and societies more thoroughly than anyone else in history up until this day.[4]

What is the riches we need to realize? 

Moral Leadership 

“But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mat. 20:25-28) 

Basically – Character Wins! 

An interesting dichotomy is that, often, the higher people rise, the more they have accomplished, the higher the humility index. Those who achieve the most brag the least, and the more secure they are in themselves, the more humble they are. “True merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes”. (Edward Frederick Halifax). We have all come across people like that and feel admiration for them. 

Paul understood that he has received true RICHES in the Glory of Christ, having all things!! 

(Rom 9:23; 11:33; 2 Cor 8:2; Eph 1:7; 1:18; 3:8; 3:16; Phil 4:19; Col 1:27; 2:2; 1 Tim 6:17)

Personal Responsibility and Integrity 

“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) 

“…Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it…” (Matthew 7:13-14)

“…Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to take the prize. Everyone who competes in the games trains with strict discipline. They do it for a crown that is perishable, but we do it for a crown that is imperishable. Therefore I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight like I am beating the air. No, I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified…” (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

No one can pay the price for you! We are not saved by information being spectators. It is our personal experiential first-hand conviction of Christ that becomes our truth, life and way!!  [5]

Individual, Conscientious Value Judgement

Jesus, furthermore, encouraged people to emancipate themselves from the stranglehold of blind allegiance to traditional tribal units, such as the ancient family, in favour of the moral agency of individuals and their correlative responsibilities. “For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law..” (Mat 10:34-40) 

“Yes, and why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right?” (Luke 12:57 )

There is no identity group politics and social justice without personal responsibility. You cannot be judged or labelled as a group, we are judged by our fruit.   

Give Up Personal Rights of Ownership 

Luke 14:33 NLT: “So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.”

And the earliest Christian community, according to the New Testament, literally did do this:

“The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all. There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need.” (Acts 4: 32-35)

“And all who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need.” (Acts 2.44-45; RSV) 

“When you own the earth, and all that is in it, why would you hold onto one portion or piece? as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.” (2 Cor 6:10)

Throughout History when the true church has been dispossessed, alienated, persecuted, and martyred for their faith, they flourished! The Church is not threatened nor defeated – the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. We are now seeing the apostate church versus the true church… one has a spirit of timidity and fear, the other operates in the Spirit by power, love and a sound mind!! 


[2] Peterson, J., Ingendaay, M. and Müller, M., 2018. 12 rules for life. Penguin Books, pp.Pg 7-8.





Hanteer Emosies Beter

Leer van Professionele Atlete

Die lewe is onvermydelik kompleks en uitdagend. Daar is daagliks struikelblokke wat ons nodig het om te navigeer. Net soos branderplankryers, rots klimmers en uithou-atlete, maak ons baie staat op terugvoer van verskeie aanwysers, verslae en insette van ons omgewing om onsself te oriënteer. ‘n Ervare branderplankryer kan instinktief ‘n komende stel golwe voel wat sy besluit bepaal om homself die beste te posisioneer. Die akkuraatheid van sy interpretasie van die onderliggende strome bepaal sy vind van die gunstigste golwe, ‘n akute vermoë ontwikkel oor jare van branderplank ry.

Rots klimmers ken die grense van hul liggame om die effektiewe houvas op hul greep, die regte ankerpunte en lyn van klim te meet. Hul vermoë om die regte lyn te lees en te interpreteer asook die terugvoer van hul spiere en ander aanwysers bepaal hul sukses. Om enige van hierdie aanwysers verkeerd te interpreteer, kan tot die dood lei.

Uithouvermoë atlete gebruik slim horlosies om hulle belangrike inligting soos hartklop en spoed te voorsien om uitputtings vlakke te meet. Wanberekenings ‘n kan ‘n mens se energie voor die einde van die wedloop uitput en jy kan sodoende “bonk”. “Bonking” is ‘n term wat beteken dat jy nie in genoeg koolhidrate geneem het nie en jou liggaam se glukogeen bergings uitgeput is en jou laat met abnormaal lae bloedglukosevlakke. Jou liggaam kan net genoeg glukose stoor (in die vorm van glukogeen) om jou te vir ongeveer 90 minute van matige oefening te ondersteun. Enigiets langer as dit sal jy nodig hê om meer glukose vir jou liggaam in te neem om korrek te funksioneer.

Filter en ondersoek die data

Om hierdie lewe te leef en sy struikelblokke te oorkom, behels die interpretasie van verskeie verslae en sosiale terugvoer. Gevolglik bied Bankstate, skuld verslae, gesondheids- en mediese verslae, sosiale media statistiek, akademiese verslae, Google, gesigsuitdrukkings, slim horlosies, gesprekke, skinder, sosiale media, nuus voere, hoofstroom menings en teorieë bied ‘n verskeidenheid inset data-terugvoer waardeur ons ons besluite neem. ‘n Mens kan elke item analiseer op hierdie genoemde lys vir konsekwente akkuraatheid, maar die onvermelde belangrikste aanwyser wat mense gebruik is hul gevoelens. “Hoe het iets my laat voel” het die mantra van die bevolking, wat ironies is, in hierdie eeu van inligting.

(Lees: 2 Samuel 18:19-33) Dawid, betrokke by ‘n oorlog met sy seun Absalom. Hy het sy generaals ‘n direkte opdrag gegee: “Julle moet om my ontwil mooi werk met die jong man Absalom[1]“. Toe Absalom doodgemaak is, ontvou die storie met besonderhede van wie vir die koning die boodskap moet bring. Een boodskapper was getaak met ‘n spesifieke boodskap wat die goeie nuus van oorwinning, asook die verskriklike nuus van Absalom se dood behels het. Die tweede is deur emosie gedryf en het selfs eerste vooruit gehardloop, maar het nie die detail van die seun se dood bekend gemaak nie. “Die akkuraatheid van die boodskap sal die waarde van die boodskapper bepaal.” Ons leef in ‘n tyd waar ons oorweldig word met soveel inligting, dit lyk asof boodskappers, webjoernaalskrywers en nuusagentskappe meer bekommerd is om eerste te wees as om akkuraat te wees.

Ongelukkig kan gevoelens baie misleidend wees.

Vertrou jou “gut feel” is ongetwyfeld, vir die meeste mense, die belangrikste aanwyser wat uiteindelik hul besluite en aksies bepaal. Soos branderplankryers, bergklimmers en uithou-atlete, is ons veronderstel om ons “gut” gevoel op te lei. Hulle verwerk ‘n reeks sensoriese en interne liggaam seine om split sekonde besluite te neem, opleiding van jare se ervarings. Mense let veral nie op die regte en geldige aanwysers nie, mislukte besighede, uitsettings, egskeidings, verhoudings wat beëindig word , en ongelukke, is skynbaar tekens dat mense nie aandag skenk aan geldige aanwysers. Jordan B Peterson verduidelik in sy boek “12 Rules for life”, dat onlangse studies toon hoe mense met groter sorg hul troeteldiere dokter as wanneer hulle direkte mediese instruksies self moet volg. Dit lyk of mense hul gevoelens meer vertrou as medici.

Trouens, nie alle professionele akademiese verslae is akkuraat nie. Voortdurend word nuwe verslae ter tafel gelê wat die vorige bewering weerlê. Die Bybel praat van valse berigte(Exo 23:1),slegte berigte(Num 13:32)valse getuies(Exo 5:20),en bose verslae(Num 14:37) wat mislei. ‘n Mens moet dus leer om al hierdie verslae te toets, te verifieer en te filter en as gelowiges God se stem bo al hierdie stemme te onderskei, aangesien Hy ons na ryk vervulling sal lei.  

Jakob het die stem van sy seun geïgnoreer en sy aanrakingsgevoelens vertrou en die verkeerde seun geseën. Natuurlik het God toegelaat dat dit gebeur omdat Esau sy geboortereg verkoop het en nie vir sy vader gesê het nie. Hierdie storie bied ons ‘n pragtige metafoor van hoe ons dit verkeerd kan kry. (Gen27:1-29)

Die Bybel voorsien ons wel van ‘n mislukte metode om ons te help om die regte besluite te neem:

Die Kennis van God is ons voorbeeld

Die langste Psalm in die Bybel is Ps 119. In hierdie psalm, prys Dawid God vir Sy regte oordele, voorskrifte, wette en waarheid.

Ons waarborg om die regte besluite te neem, is om God se wil, wet, voorskrifte en manier van doen te ken. Totdat ons tot die volle kennis van God kom, word dit die finale einddoel van volwassenheid van die heiliges gestel. (Ef 1:17; 3:19; 4:13) Die wil van God is nie meer ‘n raaisel nie. Jesus het die voorhangsel van duisterheid en verborgenheid van die Godheid verwyder. Hy verklaar en verduidelik die wil, die weg en die hart van die vader. Die koninkryk van die lewe lei en ‘n duidelike weg om te volg.

Die Swakke is vol burgers in die hemel.

As u wil lei, moet u dien.

Volwassenheid moet soos ‘n kind word.

As u wil lewe, moet u sterf

Ons kry meer deur meer te gee

Ons veg harder deur harder te rus

Om God te behaag, soek eers Sy geregtigheid.

Wil jy bekend wees, omarm die duisterheid.

Staan met meer gesag, leer om gehoorsaam te wees.

Ervaar kwaad deur goed te doen.

Hierdie Koninkryk leefwyse bied sekuriteit en stabiliteit aan die gelowige op dieselfde manier as wat die driepuntklimpatroon sekerheid aan die ervare rotsklimmer bied. Die beoefening van die basiese beginsels van rotsklimmetodologie word uiteindelik tweede natuur. Op dieselfde wyse beoefen gelowiges die koninkryksmetodologie totdat dit ‘n manier van dink, bewussyn en lewe word.

Doen net waarvoor jy geloof het

Die primêre leidende beginsel van Koninkryk Lewe, is geloof! Wat nie deur geloof gedoen word nie, is sonde. (Rom 14:23).Slegs Geloof kan God behaag(Heb 11:6). Ons leef deur geloof, nie deur sig nie. (Hab. 2:4Rom. 1:17;  Gal 3:11Hebr. 10:38). Ons leef deur geloof, nie deur ons gevoelens nie. Ons leef deur geloof en vertroue in Christus alleen. (Heb10:35)

Veranderde begeertes en passies

Daar is geen Hebreeuse woord vir wil nie. Die Hebreeuse taal sê dat u iets wil doen, in plaas daarvan dat u iets besluit of wil. Ons begeertes moet hervorm en herlei word deur die kennis van God wat ons eerstehands leer uit die Woord en die Gees. As ons God eerstehands ken en ervaar, verander dit ons passies en begeertes. Sodra ons begeertes weer terug is, volg ons gevoelens en emosies natuurlik.

Gevoelens is belangrik omdat dit ons aktiwiteit aanvuur. Sonder emosies en gevoelens word ons robotte sonder passie. ‘n Onopgeleide bul wat nie mak is nie spring oor heinings en teël vrylik, kompeteer met ander bulle en werk in isolasie. Net so ook, mense wat nie hul emosies, passies en gevoelens oefen nie. Om in die nabyheid van Christus te volg en te leef, behels daaglikse teregwysing van jou wil en begeertes. Hoe meer tyd ons spandeer om die weë van God te ontdek met betrekking tot besigheid, wet & orde, welstand, leer en verhoudings, hoe beter word ‘n mens in die hantering van die lewe se uitdagings en vind ons orde in die chaos.

Hantering van negatiewe gevoelens en emosies:

  1. Beskryf wat jy eksplisiet akkuraat voel.
  2. Wat spesifiek moet verander.
  3. Neem verantwoordelikheid en versoek spesifieke hulp.
  4. Vier en beloon spesifieke verandering.

Om God se wil en manier van lewe te doen, word verder aanvul deur:

  1. Profetiese Openbarings verlig, verduidelik en bemoedig ons dat ons reg gehoor het.
  2. Liggaam interaksies help ons om ons innerlike oortuigings te bevestig wanneer ander mede-arbeiders soortgelyke interaksies en openbarings van die Vader uitruil.
  3. Vrugte van regverdige of goddelike deurbrake word soos monumente en herinner ons aan die dinge wat Hy reeds gedoen het.

Negatiewe gevoelens Lys:

Bang, vererger, geroer, ontsteld, afsydig, kwaad, angstig, geïrriteerd, angstig, apaties, vreesaanjaend, gewek, skaam, klop, verwilderd, bitter, blah, blou, verveeld, gebroke, getugtig, koud, bekommerd, verwar, koel, kruis, verag, depressief, depressief, wanhopig, wanhopig, moedeloos, geaffekteer, ontevrede, teleurgesteld, moedeloos, ontevrede, gewalg, moedeloos, teleurgesteld, teleurgesteld, ontevrede, onrustig, benoud, versteur, terneergedruk, terneergedruk uitgeput, moeg, skaam, verbitterd, erger, uitgeput, moeg, vreesbevange, kriewelrig, verlore, bang, gefrustreerd, woedend, somber, skuldig, swaar , hulpeloos, huiwerig, met afgryse vervul, aaklig, vyandig, warm, seergemaak, ongeduldig, onverskillig, intens, geïrriteerd jaloers, gejaagd, lui, lusteloos, eensaam, mal, gemeen, ellendig, salk, treurig, senuweeagtig, gevoelloos, oorweldig, paniekerig, passief, verleë, pessimisties, verbaas, lasterlik, teësinnig, afgestoot, wrokkig, rusteloos, hartseer, bang, sensitief, wankelend, vreesbevange, moeg, bekommerd, ongemaklik, onbesorg, ongemaklik, ongure, ongelukkig, ongeëwenaard, onbevredig, ontsteld, regop, gekwel, moeg, treurig, onttrek, wee, bekommerd.

Positiewe emosies Woorde Lys:

Geabsorbeer, avontuurlustig, liefdevol, waaksaam, lewendig, verbaas, geamuseerd, waardeer, verbaas, verbaas, salig, asemrowend, boeiend, kalm, sorgvry, vrolik, gemaklik, tevrede, selfversekerd, nuuskierig, verbaas, verheug, gretig, ekstaties, bruisend, verhewe, betower, aangemoedig, energiek, entoesiasties, opgewonde, opgewonde, verwagtend, gefassineerd, vry, vriendelik, vervul, bly, bly, glansryk, gloeiend, goedgesind, dankbaar, bevredigend, gelukkig, hoopvol, nuuskierig, geïnspireer, geïnteresseerd, geïnteresseerd, gefassineer, verfris, betrokke, vreugdevol, vreugdevol, jubelend, liefdevol, smelt, vrolik, , parmantig, aangenaam, bly, trots, stil, stralend, gaande, verfris, ontspanne, verlig, tevrede, veilig, sensitief, rustig, spelling, pragtige, gestimuleerde, verbaas, sag, dankbaar, opgewonde, aangeraak, rustig, vertrou, opgeruimd, warm, wye wakker, wonderlik, skilderagtig.

Emosionele standoff voor die WAARHEID

‘n Mens kan nie help om ‘n magdom emosies te voel nie. Emosies is normaal. Emosies wat gebaseer is op verkeerde veronderstellings en gevolgtrekkings is gevaarlik. Onthou, satan word die vader van leuens genoem en is ‘n meester van dwalings. Dwaasheid is blydskap vir hom wat behoeftig is vir onderskeiding, maar ‘n man van verstand loop regop. (Spr15:21)Ons moet dus leer om ons vermoede, gedagtes en voorgevoelens na die Hof van Waarheid te bring beoordeel en onderskei te word. Die waarheid ontmoeting ontmagtig die vestings van leuens in ‘n mens se hart en gee jou ‘n gesonde verstand. (2 Tim 1: 7)

διακρισις diákrisis; genl. diakríseos, fem. naamwoord van diakríno (G1252), om te onderskei, te besluit, regter. ‘n Onderskeidende, onderskeidende duidelike, dit wil sê, gepraat van die daad of mag(1Co 12:10Heb 5:14). By implikasie  beteken Rom 14:1, letterlik nie vir die ondersoek van gedagtes nie, dit wil sê, nie met soek na en uitspraak oor hulle menings nie (vgl  Rom 14:5,  Rom 14:13). Dit kan ook gelewer word as twyfel, scruples.Syn.: diágnosis (G1233), diagnose, oordeel, deeglike begrip; gnome (G1106), mening.Ant.: apáte (G539), bedrog; pláne (G4106), dwaling, fout; agnóema (G51), onkunde.

[1] Die Bybel, Nuwe Lewende Vertaling, (Vereeniging, Suid Afrika: Christelike Uitgewersmaatskappy, 2006), 2 Sa 18:5.


The danger of being led by feelings

Learning from Professional Athletes 

Life is inevitably complex and challenging. There are many daily obstacles we need to manoeuvre ourselves around or over. Like surfers, rock-climbers and endurance athletes, we rely heavily on feedback from various indicators, reports and input from our surroundings to orientate ourselves. An experienced surfer can feel instinctively a coming set of waves that determines his decision to best position himself. The accuracy of his interpretation of the underlying currents determines his finding the best waves, an acute ability developed over years of surfing. 

Rock-climbers know the limits of their bodies to gauge the effective hold of their grip, the right anchor points, and line of climb. Their ability to rightly read and interpret the feedback from their muscles and other indicators determine their success. Misreading any of these indicators can lead to death. 

Endurance athletes use smartwatches to provide them vital information like heart rate and speed to gauge depletion levels. Miscalculation means one can deplete one’s energy before the end of the race and bonk. Bonking (“hitting the wall”) means that you haven’t taken in enough carbohydrates and have exhausted your body’s glycogen stores, leaving you with abnormally low blood glucose levels. Your body can only store enough glucose (in the form of glycogen) to last you for about 90 minutes of moderate exercise. Anything longer than this and you will need to take in some more glucose for your body to function correctly.

Filter and Scrutinise the Data 

Living this life and mitigating its obstacles entails the interpretation of various reports and social feedback. Consequently, bank statements, debt reports, health and medical reports, social media likes and stats, academic reports, Google, facial expressions, smartwatches, conversations, gossip, social media, news feeds, mainstream opinions, and theories provide a variety of input-data feedback by which we make our decisions. One can analyze each item on this mentioned list for consistent accuracy, but the unmentioned most significant indicator people use are their feelings. ‘How did something make me feel’ became the mantra of the populous, which is ironic, living in the age of information. 

Read: 2 Samuel 18:19-33: David, engaged in a war with his son Absalom. He gave his generals a direct command: “Deal gently with the young man Absalom”. Once Absalom was killed, the story unfolds the details of who should bring him the message. One messenger was directed with a specific message that bare the good news of victory but the terrible news of Absalom’s death. The second was driven by emotion and even outran the first, but did not disclose the detail of the boy’s death. “The accuracy of the message will determine the value of the messenger” We are living in a time where we are flooded with so much information, it seems messengers, bloggers and news agencies are more concerned at being first than to be accurate.

Unfortunately, feelings can be very misleading. 

Trusting your gut is undoubtedly, for most people, the most important indicator that finally determines their decisions and actions. Like surfers, mountain climbers and endurance athletes, we are supposed to train our gut feeling. They process a host of sensory and internal body signals to make split-second decisions, trained over years of experiences. Notably, rated by the amount of failed business, foreclosures, divorces, break-ups, and accidents, people are seemingly not paying attention to the right and valid indicators. Jordan B Peterson explains in his book 12 Rules For Life, from recent studies how people take better care of their pets when following direct medical instructions than themselves. People seem to be trusting their feelings more than medical professionals.  

The fact is, not all professional academic reports are accurate. Constantly new reports are tabled, disproving a previous assertion. The Bible speaks of false reports (Exo 23:1), bad reports (Num 13:32) false witnesses (Exo 5:20), and evil reports (Num 14:37) that mislead. Thus, one must learn to test, verify, and filter all these reports and, as believers, discern God’s voice above all these voices as He will lead us to rich fulfilment.  

Jacob ignored the voice of his son and trusted his carnal feelings, blessing the wrong son. Of course, God did allow this to happen because Esau sold his birth rite, not tell his father. This story provides us with a beautiful metaphor of how we can get it wrong. (Gen 27:1-29)  

The Bible does provide us with a failsafe method to help us make the right decisions:

The Knowledge of God is our template

The longest Psalm in the Bible is Ps 119. In this psalm, David praises God for His right judgments, precepts, directives, laws, and truth. 

Our safeguard in making the right decisions is knowing God’s will, law, precepts, way of doing things. Until we come to the full knowledge of God is set as the final end-goal of maturity of the saints. (Eph 1:17; 3:19; 4:13) The will of God is no longer a mystery. Jesus removed the veil of obscurity and mystery of the Godhead. He clearly states and explains the will, way and heart of the father.

The Kingdom constitution of life leads and a clear path to follow: 

  • The Weak are Full Citizens in heaven. 
  • When you want to lead, you need to serve.
  • Maturity Is To Become Like ʼn Child.
  • If You Want to Live, You Must Die
  • We Gain More By Giving More
  • We Fight Harder By Resting Harder
  • Seeking to please God, seek first His righteousness.
  • Want to be known, embrace obscurity.
  • Rise with more authority learn to obey.
  • Resist evil by doing good. 

This Kingdom way of living provides security and stability to the believer in the same way that the three-point climbing pattern provides surety to the experienced rock-climber. Practicing the basics of rock-climbing methodology eventually becomes second nature. In the same way, believers practice the kingdom methodology until it becomes a way of thinking, consciousness, and life.  

Only do what you have faith for

The primary guiding principle of Kingdom Living, is faith! What is not done by faith is sin. (Rom 14:23). Only Faith can please God (Heb 11:6). We live by faith, not by sight. (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb. 10:38). We live by faith, not by our feelings. We live by faith and confidence in Christ alone. (Heb 10:35)

Transformed Desires and Passions

There is no Hebrew word for will. The Hebrew language says you desire to do something, instead of you decided or willed something. Our desires have to be reformed and redirected by the knowledge of God we learn first-hand from the Word and the Spirit. Knowing and experiencing God first-hand changes our passions and desires. Once our desires are reverted, our feelings and emotions naturally follow.  

Feelings are important because it fuels our activity. Without emotions and feelings, we become robots without passion. An untrained bull that is not domesticated jump fences, mates whoever he wants, competes with other bulls and operates in isolation. Likewise, people who did not have their emotions, passions and feelings trained. Following and living in close proximity to Christ entails daily correction of your will and desires. The more time we spend discovering the ways of God regarding business, law and order, wellness, learning, and relationships, the better one becomes in mitigating life’s challenges and find order in the chaos.  

Dealing with negative feelings and emotions: 

  1. Describe what you feel explicitly accurately. 
  2. What specifically needs to change. 
  3. Take Responsibility and request specific help. 
  4. Celebrate and reward particular change.  

Knowing God’s will and way of doing life is further complemented by:

  1. Prophetic Revelations illuminate, clarify and encourage us that we have heard right.  
  2. Body interactions help us confirm our inner convictions when other co-laborers exchange similar interactions and revelations from the Father.
  3. Fruits of righteous or divine break-throughs become like monuments, reminding us of the things He has already done.  

Negative Feelings List

Afraid, aggravated, agitated, alarmed, aloof, angry, anguished, annoyed, anxious, apathetic, apprehensive, aroused, ashamed, beat, bewildered, bitter, blah, blue, bored, brokenhearted, chagrined, cold, concerned, confuse, cool, cross, dejected, depressed, despairing, despondent, detached, disaffected, disenchanted, disappointed, discouraged, disgruntled, disgusted, disheartened, dismayed, displeased, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, downcast, downhearted, dull, edgy, embarrassed, embittered, exasperated, exhausted, fatigued, fearful, fidgety, forlorn, frightened, frustrated, furious, gloomy, guilty, heavy, helpless, hesitant, horrified, horrible, hostile, hot, hurt, impatient, indifferent, intense, irritated jealous, jittery, lazy, lethargic, lonely, mad, mean, miserable, mopey, mournful, nervous, numb, overwhelmed, panicky, passive, perplexed, pessimistic, puzzled, rancorous, reluctant, repelled, resentful, restless, sad, scared, sensitive, shaky, terrified, tired, troubled, uncomfortable, unconcerned, uneasy, unglued, unhappy, unnerved, unsteady, upset, uptight, vexed, weary, wistful, withdrawn, woeful, worried, wretched.

Positive Emotions Words List

Absorbed, adventurous, affectionate, alert, alive, amazed, amused, appreciative, astonished, blissful, breathless, buoyant, calm, carefree, cheerful, comfortable, content, confident, curious, dazzled, delighted, eager, ecstatic, effervescent, elated, enchanted, encouraged, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, exhilarated, expectant, fascinated, free, friendly, fulfilled, glad, gleeful, glowing, good-humored, grateful, gratified, happy, hopeful, inquisitive, inspired, interested, intrigued, invigorated, involved, joyous, joyful, jubilant, loving, mellow, merry, moved, optimistic, overjoyed, overwhelmed, peaceful, perky, pleasant, pleased, proud, quiet, radiant, rapturous, refreshed, relaxed, relieved, satisfied, secure, sensitive, serene, spellbound, splendid, stimulated, surprised, tender, thankful, thrilled, touched, tranquil, trusting, upbeat, warm, wide-awake, wonderful, zestful.

Emotional standoff before TRUTH

One cannot help to feel a host of emotions. Emotions are normal. Emotions that are based on wrong presumptions and conclusions are dangerous. Remember, Satan is called the father of lies and is a master of delusions. Folly is joy to him who is destitute of discernment, But a man of understanding walks uprightly. (Prov 15:21) We must thus learn to bring your presumptions, thoughts, and premonitions to the Court of Truth to be judged and discerned. The Truth encounter disempowers the strongholds of lies in one’s heart and gives you a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7)

διακρισις diákrisis; gen. diakríseos, fem. noun from diakríno (G1252), to distinguish, decide, judge. A distinguishing, discerning clearly, i.e., spoken of the act or power (1Co 12:10; Heb 5:14).

By implication Rom 14:1, literally meaning not for scrutinizing of thoughts, i.e., not with searching out and pronouncing judgment on their opinions (cf. Rom 14:5, Rom 14:13). This also could be rendered as doubts, scruples.
Syn.: diágnosis (G1233), diagnosis, judgment, thorough understanding; gnome (G1106), opinion.
Ant.: apáte (G539), deceit; pláne (G4106), delusion, error; agnóema (G51), ignorance.


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The Power of Meekness

A man once had a vision of a gold plated king’s carriage with six pairs of horses properly decorated with plums and harnesses. Underneath the carriage, the driver was lying on his back fixing something. The person shouted, ‘be careful, if those horses take off and run you will be crushed by the wheels of the carriage!’ The man underneath the carriage confidently replied, ‘they won’t. I trained them! They only move when I tell them to!’ 

Meekness is strength under control. Picture a strong, black horse, with muscles rippling and ready to charge! But when the Master comes and saddles it, the horse stands perfectly still and is totally willing to trot, canter or gallop at the Master’s command. Although the horse can go much faster and leap over hedges, it is content to obey according to the instructions given by the rider. That is a perfect picture of meekness! There is no weakness in that.

As a result of a misrepresentation of these valuable, foundational concepts, that Jesus emphasised, but men distorted, our concept of Jesus-meek-and-mild, forgets the great authority and strength of our Lord that even drove the businessmen out of the temple with a whip of cords woven by His own hand. He was not the sad faced, long haired Hippie as Hollywood movies try to portray Him, but He was a man’s-man, a carpenter, hardworking man and meekness to Him was not a sign of weakness but of strength, divine strength under the control of His heavenly Father. He could say with great self-control, ‘I only do what My Father shows me!’ (John 5:19)

If Jesus told you to climb a mountain to be like Him, it might interest some people. If He said, “Fast and pray for a week”, others would respond. If He said, “Give a large sum of money”, it may entice a few. But He said, “Come and learn humility and meekness from Me and you will find rest for your souls”. How many of us would respond to this invitation? Notice it is no quick-fix: it is a process of learning! 

The Greek philosophers hated these ideas because it would make them weak and ineffective as wise and influential men. They promoted “self” instead. The entire world is geared to promote self: self-interest; self-advancement; self-assertiveness; self-analysis; self-talk – but the only self Jesus allows is self denial! When self is completely out of the way, then the Life of Christ can kick in, as it were. Until we really want these two qualities in our lives, not even Jesus can teach it to us! We have to ask the Holy Spirit to make them sound appetizing to our senses, naturally and spiritually. We have to develop a taste for humility and meekness, otherwise they will remain dormant for ever. 

The fact is, that once you are born again by the Spirit of God, once Christ lives inside of you, you already possess meekness and humility in your spirit. You do not have to try to strive to obtain them – chasing carrots in the religious sense of the word. But these qualities need to surface and begin to control our lifestyle.

The only two qualities that Jesus ever suggested that His disciples should learn from Him was humility and meekness. He never told them that they should learn how to preach or how to pray or even how to heal the sick! Why are these two qualities so important to life?
Well, Jesus knew that without humility and meekness the task that lay ahead for the 12 would be too great. They were unknown fishermen, tax-collectors and zealots, a motley crew, but their names would become household names for the next 2 000 years! Even today the most popular names in the world are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! The weight of their fame and the trials of faith they had to undergo required humility and meekness in their character.

The Oxford Dictionary definitions of these two qualities are inaccurate if weighed by the meaning the Greek concepts in the bible:

Humble: (Oxford) having or showing low estimate of one’s own importance, lowly, modest, of small pretensions. To make humble, abase, (Latin humus: ground) to eat humble pie means to be humiliated.

Meek: (Oxford) submissive, tame-spirited

Vine’s Greek Expository Dictionary

Humble: tapeinos signifying low-lying. It is used always in a good sense in the New Testament to denote of low degree, brought low, literally of mountains and hills, abase. Matthew 11:29 it is used in the sense of being humble in spirit. Acts 20:19 talks about humility of mind (tapeinophrosunê).

Meek: Praos denotes gentle, mild, and meek. It consists not in a person’s outward behaviour only; nor yet in his relations to his fellow-men; as little in his mere natural disposition. Rather it is an inwrought grace of the soul; and the exercises of it are first and chiefly towards God. It is that temper of Spirit in which we accept His dealings with us as good and therefore without disputing or resisting; it is closely linked with the word humility. It is only the humble heart that can be meek and does not struggle and contend with Him. Meekness in the face of vile men allows insults and injuries which they may inflict as being permitted and employed by God for the chastening and purifying of His elect. It is associated with self-control.

The English language uses the word, meekness, to express weakness and pusillanimity, which the original Greek meaning does not allow. Praos or ‘praütês‘ describes a condition of heart and mind. 

It must be clearly understood that the meekness manifested by the Lord and commended to the believer is the fruit of power. The common assumption is that when a man is meek it is because he cannot help himself. But the Lord was meek because He had the infinite resources of God at His command. Described negatively, meekness is the opposite of self-assertiveness and self-interest; it is equanimity of spirit that is neither elated nor cast down, simply because it is not occupied with self at all.

The apostle Paul appeals to the meekness of Christ in believers and charges them to show all meekness towards all men. In his dealings with the ignorant and erring he is to exhibit a spirit of meekness and towards those who oppose themselves he is to correct them in meekness (II Timothy 2:25). James the apostle, exhorts his beloved brethren to receive with meekness the implanted word (James 1:21). The apostle Peter says meekness is required to set forth the grounds of the Christian hope (I Peter 3:15)

In the present Apostolic Reformation (since 1990) our knowledge and understanding regarding spiritual concepts have been enhanced and two of the words that have taken on a new dimension in meaning are ‘humility and meekness’. I would like to add the present truth regarding these otherwise vague words:

Humility is a sane estimate of one’s self and one’s own capabilities and talents. Pride is an over estimation of one’s self and an under-estimation of other people; whereas inferiority would be just the opposite: an over-estimation of other people and an under-estimation of one’s self. 

Imagine a church full of ‘meek’ people! Imagine a family where meekness is part of their make-up! Imagine a school full of meek scholars! Imagine a business with meek employees! This is not a bunch of weaklings, but people who can take orders and do what they are told with absolute conviction and strength being displayed! This changes the picture of the traditional view of meekness altogether!

It was interesting for me to note that the German dictionary (nor the Afrikaans one!) has a word for meekness. The concept of meekness is eradicated from the psyche of the German and Afrikaans nations due to a total absence of understanding what Jesus required! Could this be why Germany committed the atrocities during the Second World War towards the Jews and the Afrikaans nation showed man’s inhumanity against to man during the Apartheid era when they were in power in South Africa and brought a separation between races? See what happens where there is no meekness in place?

It is also amazing to realize that Jesus’ demand for humility and meekness opposes all the self-motivational courses in the business and sporting world! Political power also denies the qualities Jesus preached! No wonder the world is in such a mess! There can be no peace without the Prince of Peace, no matter how they try!

Meekness is one of the fruits of the Spirit and is an outgrowth of love and concern for the welfare of other people. Jesus exhibited a spirit of love, gentleness and meekness towards all mankind, setting us an example to follow

It is also amazing to realize that Jesus’ demand for humility and meekness opposes all the self-motivational courses in the business and sporting world! Political power also denies the qualities Jesus preached! No wonder the world is in such a mess! There can be no peace without the Prince of Peace, no matter how they try!

My personal definition of the virtue of meekness is this that Jesus (the Christ, Messiah and Saviour of the World) set the perfect example of absolute meekness in that He himself, having been the human manifestation of Almighty God The Father, in the flesh, on Earth (Emmanuel) and having access to all power and might, instantly summonable at His command at any time, chose rather to keep silent and be obedient to His Father in absolute perfect servanthood, for the entire duration of His sojourn on Earth. Even under extreme duress, having full knowledge of the extent of the injustice, suffering, the extreme beating and mutilation that He would have to endure even before finally being brutally nailed to a wooden cross and left to hang there, to die the most tormenting and agonizing death ever inflicted on any human being (Son of man) and not uttering a single malicious word, but to rather to loudly implore Almighty God, His Father. He asked Him to forgive those that had condemned Him falsely and had perpetrated His imminent death from this, His crucifixion, all the while not harboring a single thought for His own personal well-being.

To be Meek is to have humility, patience, a deep understanding of the human condition, a Godly kind of love for wretched man and a total love for God. This all of can only be attained through true and intimate relationship with The Triune God of the Bible who gives so great a virtue to a heart of faith and obedience as a gift (nothing could be further from human nature than meekness and so it therefore needs to be a gift from God).

Acknowledgement: Notes from apostle dr Andre Pelser.


Die herkoms en betekenis van die nagmaal

Ons bestudeer die Seder Maaltyd, of Pasga Maal waartydens Jesus die nuwe verbond – Nagmaal inisieer. Hierdie Joodse maaltyd en Familie Fees te herdenking van die Joodse verlossing uit Egipte is volop beeldende simboliek met die oog op die Messias, Jesus die ewige Verlosser!

Hier is die pdf skakel van die notas oor die Sedermaal, Pasga, en die simboliek van die Nagmaal.

Die joodse maal – Prosedure

In diepte studie oor die ontwikkeling van die Nagmaal.

Hoe het Jesus die seder/paasmaaltyd gevier.


Die vyeboom in die wingerd

#getuig #dravrug #voorbeeld #anders #lig #sout #geur 

Luke 13:6-9 Die Gelykenis van die VYEBOOM in die WINGERD 

Daarna het Hy hierdie gelykenis vertel: “’n Man het ‘n vyeboom gehad wat in sy wingerd geplant was. Toe hy vrugte daaraan kom soek maar niks kry nie, sê hy vir die tuinier: ‘Kyk, dis nou drie jaar dat ek aan hierdie vyeboom vrugte kom soek, en ek kry niks nie. Kap hom uit! Waarom moet hy langer die grond uitput?’ Maar die tuinier antwoord: Meneer, laat hom nog hierdie jaar staan. Ek sal die grond rondom hom omspit en bemes. Miskien sal hy dan volgende jaar vrugte dra. Maar so nie, kan u hom uitkap.”

“Beige must be your least favourite colour, for we are called to stand out not blend in.” 

Het jy al gevoel ‘nou waarom is ek tussen dié mense?’ Sedert die ontstaan van Israel staan God se mense soos ‘n vyeboom in ‘n wingerd. Abraham, Isak, Jakob, Josef in Egipte, Daniel in Babilon, Ester in Persië, Paulus in Rome. Wanneer ons, onsself skielik in die vreemde, tussen vreemde mense bevind. Moet ons vrug dra! Watter vrug soek die Here by ons as gelowiges, in ‘n wêreld wat toenemend hulle geloof grondves op die wetenskap, modernisme, populisme en self-beskikking.  As sout en lig (Mat 5:13-14) preserveer ons die samelewing teen verrotting en totale verval… nou is die tyd vir strategiese posisies van invloed en  gesag.  

Die gelykenis word vertel om ‘n appél te maak op God se uitgekiesde mense: Saam met die voorreg van kindskap, nasie-wees, kom die verantwoordelikheid om vrug te dra, anders kap die Here jou af of uit. ‘Kap hierdie vyeboom uit! Dit is nou al drie jaar dat ek aan hom kom vrugte soek en ek het nog g’n enkele vy gekry nie. Dis ’n vermorsing van goeie grond!’ ” Hierdie tema word ‘n paar keer herhaal, en daarom baie belangrik om op ag te slaan.  

Jesus vervloek die vyeboom Mark 11:13-4; 20-23; Mat 21:19 

Jesus stel Homself dus voor as die goeie landbouer, as Sy bome nie vrugte dra nie lê die fout by die boom, nie landbouer, saad, of grond nie. Soos die gelykenis van die Saaier ook verduidelik. Die vrugbare grond van die hart bepaal die opbrengs van die vrug. (Mat 13:1-16)

“Ek is die ware wingerdstok en my Vader is die boer. Elke loot aan My wat nie vrugte dra nie, sny Hy af; maar elkeen wat vrugte dra, snoei Hy reg, sodat dit nog meer vrugte kan dra.” Joh 15:1-10

“Die byl lê klaar teen die wortel van die bome. Elke boom wat nie goeie vrugte dra nie, word uitgekap en in die vuur gegooi.” Mat 3:10 

“Elke goeie boom dra tog goeie vrugte, maar ‘n slegte boom dra slegte vrugte. ‘n Goeie boom kan tog nie slegte vrugte dra nie, en ‘n slegte boom nie goeie vrugte nie. Elke boom wat nie goeie vrugte dra nie, word uitgekap en in die vuur gegooi. So sal julle die vals profete dan aan hulle vrugte ken.” Mat 7:17-19 

Die vraag is watse vrug soek die Here aan die Boom?? 

In hierdie skrif gedeelte is Jesus se aanklag teen die Jode gemik, Sy mense. Hy was 3jaar op aarde besig om Sy mense te bedien.  “Ek is net na die verlore skape van die volk Israel toe gestuur.” (Mat 15:24) Wat kan ons uit die meerderheid Jode se vrugteloosheid leer, in terme van die vrug wat ons vandag moet dra?  

  1. Hulle het hulle nie bekeer nie (Joh 3:13). Bekering is ‘n daaglikse wyse, waar die Here ons rig en lei, soos om ‘n motor op die pad te hou, om in Sy geregtigheid te wandel en te leef. Dra dan vrugte wat by die bekering pas. (Mat 3:8) en julle saad vermeerder en die vrug van julle geregtigheid laat toeneem (2 Cor 9:10) vervul met die vrug van geregtigheid wat daar is deur Jesus Christus tot heerlikheid en lof van God. (Phil 1:10) 
  2. en het nie die tekens van die tye besef nie (Mat 16:3). Vrug dra is nooit werke en “performance” nie. Vrug is om op die regte tyd op die regte tyd te wees. Bid vir reën in die tyd van reën. (Sag 10:1) Samuel kan bid vir reën omdat die Here vir Hom gesê het om daarvoor te bid. (1 Kings 17 & 18) 
  3. en glo ook nie in die een wat God gestuur het nie. (Joh 6:29). ‘n persoonlike openbaring en nabyheid met Jesus self, om te doen wat Hy jou eerstehands sê is die bron, van ons vrugbaarheid. Mense wat by Jesus was en is dra altyd vrug. 
  4. God se mense se tempel/ekosisteem verteenwoordig nie God se tempel nie. “Die liefde vir u huis verteer my.” (Joh 2:13-21; Matt. 21:12-13; Mark. 11:15-17; Luk. 19:45-46)
  5. Hulle lewe demonstreer nie Sy koninkryk nie, dis vals, skynheilig, en dood. “Dit verseker Ek julle: Die straf vir al hierdie dinge sal op die mense van vandag neerkom.” (Mat 23:36)

Die Jesus beweging het binne die bestek van vier eeue die dominante godsdiens van die Romeinse Ryk geword het. Hoe is dit moontlik dat ‘n klein geestelike oplewing in Galilea, Juda so gou oor die wêreld heen versprei het? Die vroeë kerk het Waardes soos barmhartigheid, wedersydse ondersteuning, selfbeheersing, respek vir lewe en liefde het talle mense oortuig dat die Christelike geloof van waarde is 

  • Boosheid soos diefstal, bedrog en jaloesie te vermy.
  • Gasvryheid te betoon aan vreemdelinge.
  • Mekaar te versorg en hulle kos met mekaar te deel.
  • Barmhartigheid teenoor alle mense te bewys.
  • Versorging en verpleging van siekes te behartig.
  • Huishoudings getuig van waardigheid, verantwoordelikheid, pligsbesef,
  • eerbaarheid en gehoorsaamheid.
  • Etniese verskeidenheid word aanvaar.
  • Vroue, kinders en slawe word met respek behandel.
  • Respek vir lewe voorkom aborsie en kindermoord.
  • Martelaarskap en die bereidheid om ‘jou kruis op te neem’

Die vyeboom in die wingerd storie is ‘n oproep tot die INDIVIDU om sy roeping as bousteen in die liggaam gebou van God ernstig op te neem. Die werk van die EEN bepaal die GEHALTE van die GEHEEL! Niemand in God se gebou/liggaam, kan verantwoordelikheid oorskuif na iemand anders nie! Ons moet elkeen ons heilige roeping In Christus vervul en vrug dra, daar waar God ons geposisioneer het! 


Die kerk wat Jesus bou

En Ek sê vir jou: Jy is Petrus, en op hierdie rots sal Ek my kerk bou, en die magte van die doderyk sal dit nie oorweldig nie. Mat 16:18

Ons werk is om dissipels te maak, en God se koninkryk te demonstreer. Ons kan nie Sy kerk bou nie. God bou Sy kerk.

Hy voeg toe Acts 5:13 And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women,

The War-like church / Aircraft Carriers, / Traffic Control Towers – To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things; so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places. This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord. Eph 3:8-11

  1. “Sonder goeie leiding stort ’n volk in duie; dit is veilig om baie raadgewers te hê.” (Spr 11:14, Nuwe Lewende Vertaling) Daar is soveel beskerming om besluite te neem binne in ʼn liggaam, omdat mens so maklik jou eie hart kan mislei. (Jer 19:9)

2. Ons geveg teen die “principalities” in ʼn sekere gebied kan nooit as individue plaasvind nie, maar alleenlik deur ʼn liggaam van gelowiges. (Mat 16:18; Eph 3:10) dis die eeue oue beginsel dat 5 sal ʼn 100 vyande laat vlug, maar ʼn honderd man, sal tien duisend op die vlug sit. (Lev 26:8) Die akkurate kerk soos enige ander organisasie benodig ʼn kritiese massa van mense om werklik ʼn verskil in ʼn omgewing te maak. Let wel dat ons nie hier van gemeentes praat wat ʼn duisend mens as skare trek nie, maar net ʼn honderd lidmate is medewerkers nie. ‘n Akkurate gemeente, waar elke lidmaat sy rol en bediening verstaan en uitleef, is ʼn kragtige wapen in God se hand.

3. Die versorging van mense in die Nuwe Testament is die kerk. “maar dat die lede gelyke sorg vir mekaar mag dra” 1 Cor 12:25 uit wie die hele liggaam—goed saamgevoeg en saamverbind deur die ondersteuning wat elke lid gee volgens die werking van elke afsonderlike deel in sy mate—die groei van die liggaam bevorder vir sy eie opbouing in liefde. Eph 4:16 Dit is in hierdie kerk waar daar geen tekort was nie. Hoekom? Omdat almal alles wat hulle besit het gedeel het met ander. Weerhouding van om deel te wees van ʼn lokale liggaam, verswak die kerk se vermoë om werklik effektief in hierdie doel te wees. Dit behels ook die aspek van jou bydraes aan die kerk. Om God se werk en koninkryk te bevorder op globale skaal kos geld, die meeste kerke beleef dat maar net 20% van die lidmate hulle tiendes betaal. Weereens verswak dit die kerk se vermoë om effektief te gee, te dien en te help! As almal maar net op die einde besluit om nie deel te wees van ʼn lokale liggaam nie, en hulle eie ding te doen rig ons uiteindelik skade aan ons eie geledere aan. Elkeen se betrokkenheid, selfs jou verskille met ʼn sekere kerk, is nodig vir groei.

4. Daar vind ʼn spesiale “impartation” plaas tydens ʼn Heilige Gees gedrewe diens wat op geen ander manier bekom kan word, as om daar te gewees het nie. “Ek begeer met my hele hart om julle te besoek. Ek wil vir julle ’n geestelike seëning (impart) bring om julle in julle geloof te versterk. ” (Romans 1:11, Nuwe Lewende Vertaling) Veral wanneer ons dienste beleef soos wat Paulus voorskryf aan die kerk in (1 Cor 14:26) Wanneer julle bymekaar kom dan het elkeen… ʼn Mens kan die impartation van ʼn sekere begaafde prediker deur DVD bekom, maar nie die impartation van ʼn liggaam nie.

5. Daar is in elke huis, ʼn sekere inherente bemagtiging en veiligheid asook ʼn spesiale genade gawe wat God aan ʼn spesifieke gemeente gee wat nie verkry kan word anders as om deel te wees van die gesin nie. Jy kan dienste besoek, maar die genade en goddelike vermoë kom deur deel te wees van die spesifieke gesin. Ons het dit al so dikwels gesien hoe sekere mense ʼn mate van beskerming in die huis beleef, en wanneer hulle eendag die huis verlaat en hulleself afsny, dan val alles deurmekaar en uitmekaar in hulle lewens. Om deel te wees van ʼn dinamiese gemeente, gee ook aan elke individu ʼn “sense of purpose”. Jy voel jy bestaan nie net nie, jy is deel van ʼn plan, en die uitvoering van daardie plan en visie!

6. Die vinnigste groei in my lewe het gekom deur korreksie. Ek is gementor. “I have been discipled” So baie gelowiges kom tot bekering en leef maar net op hulle eie voort, waar hulle die preke en insette van hulle lewe kan kies van TBN waarna hulle wil luister, maar hulle is nog nooit deur ʼn geestelike Pa of Ma gementor en persoonlik gedissippel in die waarheid nie. Hierdie is ʼn groot gebrek in die kerk en ook een van die redes hoekom so baie Christene vir jare in ʼn kerk sit en nog steeds nie wasdom bereik nie. Weereens God se model is familie en gesinne. Dis immers ook hoe die natuur werk, almal is in families gegroepeer en funksioneer binne ʼn spesifieke familie. Ons het baie instrukteurs in die Gees maar nie baie Vaders nie. (1 Cor 4:15) Die gevolg is ons het ʼn klomp kop-kennis wat nog nie deel geword het van ons waardesisteem en leefwyse nie. Want ʼn Pa stap met jou ʼn pad, hy leer en korrigeer jou die heeltyd! Die belangrikste egter is dat ʼn Pa jou WYS hoe! Mentorskap!

Net satan wen as mense nie deel wil wees van ʼn gemeente nie. Daar is nie so iets soos ʼn perfekte gemeente nie. Elke gemeente funksioneer soos ʼn betrokke gesin, en jy voel of inherent deel of nie. Dit is daarom belangrik dat jy ʼn gemeente vind waar jy deel voel, gemaklik is en weet jy ʼn bydrae sal kan lewer. Kry ʼn huis! Daarom is daar so baie kerke, almal met ʼn verkillende fokus en mandaat. Hoor by God waar hy jou gestuur het. Waar het God jou bygevoeg, want mens word nie net deel van ʼn gemeente en “join” ʼn kerk nie. (Acts 2:47; 5:14; 11:24) “’n Mens wat hom eenkant hou, lewe net vir homself. Hy het ’n afkeer aan gesonde oordeel.” (Prov 18:1, Nuwe Lewende Vertaling) Die kerk kan nie die kultuur van die dag konfronteer sonder die invloed en momentum van gesamentlike gefokusde optrede nie. Dit is die kollektiewe getal ware gelowiges wat werklik Jesus leef elke dag, wat ‘n gemeenskap/dorp/stad verander. Dit is ons grootste wapen, en ook die rede hoekom satan so hard probeer om die kerk in diskrediet te bring.

  1. Self Jesus was onder gesag, en so moet ons ook elkeen ons onder gesag stel. Efe 5:21. Hoekom die aanmoediging aan leiers om mooi en waardig om te sien na die mense onder hulle, as niemand meer gelei wil word nie. Ons moet hulle respekteer (1 Thessalonians 5:12–13), en eer (1 Timothy 5:17), en aan hulle gehoorsaam en onderdanig wees (Hebrews 13:17) Die tydsgees van ons dag fokus op self, leef om lekker te voel, wil nie voorgesê word nie. Selfs Jesus was tot die ouderdom van 30 aan aardse ouers gehoorsaam. Goeie leiers sal nie oor hulle mense heers nie. 1 Pet 5:3 Jesus was ook hierin vir leiers ‘n voorbeeld.

8. Om aan ‘n gemeente te behoort en betrokke te raak kos dat jy jouself sal verloën. Self-verloëning is nie maklik nie, of gemaklik nie, dit kos jou lewe, jou alles. Ons is bang vir hierdie tipe ‘commitment’, ons weet die prys. Die waarheid is egter dat die opstanding na die dood by verre die prys en offer oortref. Die vreugde en tevredenheid van deelwees, versorg wees, liefde, omgee, oortref by verre die offer. Die dinamika van gemeenskap het in wese ‘n ongeskrewe reël. Dit wat jy insit is wat jy uitkry. As jy liefde gee, omgee, help laste dra, ingestel is op ander, dien, help ondersteun, sal jy nooit kortkom aan dit wat jy weggegee het nie. Jou belegging is gemaak in ‘n ewige bankrekening, en as jy in nood is, en ontrekkings moet maak, sal jy vind daar is in oorvloed. Mens kan nie die voordeel trek, deur ‘n TV prediker se dienste op Sondag te kyk nie. Jy moet iewers betrokke wees.


Maintain Childlike Wonder

Throughout the Bible we see people losing sight of the things of this world, as they fixate their gaze upon the Glory of our Lord! From time to time, it is necessary that we close our eyes to the physical world, so that our senses can be awakened to the eternal reality of the spiritual realm. Once we habitually continue to behold FIRST His glory (2 Cor 4:18), His Kingdom (Mat 6:33), we begin to see this world from a heavenly perspective. 

AS WE CONTINUE to practice doing just as He tells us to do in His Word, life completely changes for us. We will have a completely different perspective and will come to have an entirely new attitude toward life, things and people! 

KINGDOM OF GOD – ROM 14:17: its characteristics are described as righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. The eternal chaos in the world due to the “tares” has not prevented the growth of the wheat. (The world was created by the Word of God out of chaos ). 

OUR PRIVILEGE: to reign with Christ. Enter in by faith. We have been made to “sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus”. We are to be more than conquerors. Sin shall not have dominion over us. Sin, sickness and Satan are banished from the glorious realm in which God’s children are called to live. Jesus is our KING, we are His Kingdom. HIS WILL is our highest desire and the extension of His Kingdom is our sole occupation. All else will be added unto us. Our occupation is rulership, not defeat!

Like a child our sense of wonder is restored. We see miracles in the smallest things. We live with an intentional expectation for signs, wonders, and miracles. Nothing is impossible for our God! We are sincerely grateful for what we have already received in Christ Jesus. Our hearts are at peace, we are content, and we have a joyful expectation that if God is for us, nothing can be against us. (Rom 8:31)  

As for us, we have all of these great witnesses who encircle us like clouds. So we must let go of every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into. Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race with passion and determination, for the path has been already marked out before us. We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God! (Heb 12:1-2) Passion Translation 

872. ἀφοράω aphoráō; contracted aphorṓ, fut. apópsomai, from apó (G0575) an intens., and horáō (G3708), to look. To look away steadfastly or intently toward a distant object. Metaphorically, to behold in the mind, to fix the mind upon (Phil. 2:23; Heb. 12:2).

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (Joh 3:13)

The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.” (Joh 4:25-26)

Peter Saw Him as the Messiah.  He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. (Mat 16:15–17). 

And he said, “Who are You, Lord?” Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.” So he, trembling and astonished, said, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” (Acts 9:5). 

Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”

And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luk 23:40–43)

The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying:

“Holy, holy, holy,

Lord God Almighty,

Who was and is and is to come!”

Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying:

“You are worthy, O Lord,

To receive glory and honor and power;

For You created all things,

And by Your will they exist and were created.” (Rev 4:8-10) 


Die Groeipad van die gelowige

Doen die SELFTOETS – Kliek HIER

Ontwaak tot Jesus Christus

Vanuit ʼn suiwer skriftuurlike perspektief: Het Jesus ooit ‘n appèl gemaak dat mense Hom moet aanbid? Nee, Hy het nie. Sy appèl oor en oor was: “Volg my.” (Mat 4:19; 8:22; 9:9; 10:38; 16:24; 19:21). Jesus soek dus nie ons admirasie nie, Hy soek ons gehoorsaamheid. Natuurlik is aanbidding ‘n belangrike deel van me geestelike lewe en groei, maar lofprysing is nie wat ons red nie. Lofprysing, aanbidding, godsdiens beoefening is nie ons middelaar nie, Jesus is.

Doop in Water

Doop is ’n baie kontroversiële onderwerp tussen Christene.  Die een ding waaroor  almal egter ooreenstem is die feit dat elke gelowige gedoop moet word, want daaroor is die Bybel baie duidelik.  Die probleem is hoe en wanneer? Ons weet dat die kern van die evangelie handel oor die aflê van die ou mens, en die opneem in die geloof van jou nuwe Christus natuur.  TOE sê Jesus vir sy dissipels: As iemand agter My aan wil kom, moet hy homself verloën en sy kruis opneem en My volg  (Mat 16:24-25; Gal 2:20; Phil 3:18).

Doop in die Heilige Gees

Die wonderlike natuurlike voorsiening wat God gee word dikwels deur satan verdraai of vervals sodat ons dit verwerp. Uitgehonger aan God se liefde, koop ons dan makliker in tot die swak  nabootsing wat satan ons aanbied. Ons as mens het almal ‘n geestelike spirituele honger. 

Skakel met die liggaam

Skakel en raak deel van die Familie: Die wese van kerkwees is die samekoms van gelowiges  (Acts 2:42, 46). Die wese van hierdie samekoms is dat ons mekaar sal opbou, stig en versterk in bediening (Matt. 22:39; Acts 2:44-45; 1 Cor 14:26).

Leer die Wil/Woord van God

Rus jouself toe vir bediening (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 2:42). Elke volgeling van Jesus hoort deurgaans in ‘n Bybelskool. 

Aanbid in Gees en in Waarheid

Aanbid die Here in Gebed en Lofprysing (Matt. 22:36-37, Acts 2:43, 47; Acts 2:42). God is Gees en moet in Gees en waarheid aanbid word (Joh 4:35). 

Lei iemand om ‘n volgeling van Jesus te word

Lei iemand om ‘n volgeling van Jesus te word (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 2:41, 47). Daar is niks wat mens so verkwik en versterk as die voorreg om iemand na die Here toe te lei nie.  

Dien die gemeenskap met Jesus se lewe.

Dien die gemeenskap en Wêreld met Christus en help vorm gemeenskap na die beeld van Jesus Christus (Col. 1:28).